
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council would like to invite comments from electors regarding the convenience of voting at polling stations currently used for elections and would welcome suggestions for alternative sites.

The review will seek to establish how suitably placed the polling stations are within each electoral area, making specific reference to both disability and accessibility issues. We would welcome representations or comments on the authority’s proposals from any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability.

The arrangements are reviewed every five years; however, this does not prevent changes being made at any time prior to the next review.

Further information, including any comments by the Returning Officer about the review will be published on www.merthyr.gov.uk

For further information please see the following links



Submissions can be made by in writing to:

  • Email: electoral@merthyr.gov.uk or
  • By post: Democratic Services Department, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, Civic Centre, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8AN

All responses must be submitted by 17 December 2023

Revenue Grants up to £65,265 available

Deadline – 12 noon November 28th 2023

Supported by the Welsh Government Regional Integration Fund


Grants of up to £21755 per area are available for projects led by voluntary and community groups/organisations based and working in Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil or Rhondda Cynon Taff. Only Regional collaborative bids are expected.


  • Combat loneliness and isolation of people living with dementia, their family and Carers
  • Prevent unnecessary access to statutory services/support discharge
  • Support beneficiary groups to maintain their health, wellbeing and independence
  • Helping community and voluntary organisations build capacity

Who For?

Projects will need to:

support one or more of the following beneficiary Groups:

  • People living with Dementia
  • Carers/Family of people living with dementia


 Application Form and Guidelines on request

For more information contact:-

Anne Morris - Interlink:  07736 587912 amorris@interlinkrct.org.uk

Karen Vowles - VAMT:  07503 954158 karen.vowles@vamt.net

Laura Dadic – BAVO  01656 810400 lauradadic@bavo.org.uk

Merthyr Tydfil Global Village was set up in 2005 to raise awareness of and celebrate the cultural diversity of Merthyr Tydfil. Using art and creative projects the team worked tirelessly to develop an annual festival dedicated to bringing cultures together and educating people about Merthyr Tydfil’s diverse roots.

Bids are invited for arts-based projects that align with the spirit of Merthyr Tydfil Global Village Projects should celebrate and raise awareness of the diversity of Merthyr Tydfil. Projects can include workshops, educational activities, dance, music, crafts and food etc to support and promote community cohesion within Merthyr Tydfil, leading up to a celebratory event or be used for a multicultural event in themselves.

Maximum award of up to £1500

Closing date – 12 noon on 1st December 2023

All funding must be spent by 30th August 2024

For an application form and guidance, please contact karen.vowles@vamt.net



‘In This Together’ is a free and accessible two-day programme designed to support people to meaningfully engage with communities, and influence change in health, social care and wellbeing.

Over two days, the workshops will cover:

  • Meaningful conversations
  • Building Trust
  • Inspiring Positive Action
  • Closing the loop

 This is also a great opportunity to meet other people with the same passion to make a difference, and learn from each other too.

The programme will be led by Nikki Giant, who is a writer, entrepreneur and social innovator, with a range of experience to share.

Lunch is included on both days.

Spaces are limited.

More information is below:

English webpage.

Welsh webpage.

Direct booking link (English)

Direct booking link (Welsh)


Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK