
Funding is essential to any voluntary group –VAMT offers its members a comprehensive funding advice service. Members can benefit from information, support and advice on a whole range of funding issues; anything from application forms, monitoring and evaluating to relevant training.

VAMT can assist your organisation with funding strategies and completing application forms to ensure the continuation of the Voluntary Sector in Merthyr Tydfil.

The following link will take you to the Knowledge Hub which is a useful resource when looking for funding for your organisation.

Sustainable Funding Resources


VOLUNTARY SECTOR GRANT SCHEME 2024-2025 - Short breaks for unpaid carers


Grants of up to £10 000 are available for projects led by voluntary and community groups/organisations across Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Tydfil.


  • Increase the availability and accessibility of short breaks for unpaid carers
  • Provide personalised, flexible, and responsive break options for unpaid carers
  • Prioritise and target short breaks to unpaid carers who most need it.


  • Unpaid carers and those they care for will have improved wellbeing
  • Unpaid carers will be more resilient and able to sustain the caring relationship
  • The voluntary sector will have increased capacity to deliver preventative, responsive breaks to unpaid carers.

Short Breaks:

Any form of assistance or service which enables an unpaid carer to have sufficient and regular periods away from their caring routine with the purpose of supporting the caring relationship and promoting the health & wellbeing of the carer and the supported person.

Short break activities include overnight stays, days out and shorter sessions such a regular activities and can be alone or with the person they care for.

Who For?

Projects will need to support one or more of the following beneficiary Groups:

  • Unpaid carers of all ages
  • Unpaid carers and the supported person

How to Apply

Application Form

Grant Guidance

Grant Scheme Flyer

For Further Information contact:- 

Claire Williams - VAMT:

07946 495306 / 01685 353984

Anne Morris-Interlink RCT: 

07736 587912 / 01443 846200


Applications for this years Youth Led Grants are now open, the money is applicable for groups in the Merthyr Tydfil area only.

YOUTH LED GRANT MONEY -  You can apply for up to  £2,000 

The purpose of the Youth Led Grant Scheme is to fund exciting and worthwhile projects that create more volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 within the Merthyr Tydfil area.

The panel assessing applications will consist of young people who are already part of the Merthyr Tydfil Borough Wide Youth Forum (MTBWYF).  The whole process from marketing the grant scheme to assessing grant applications will be led by the young people sitting on the panel.

Please note that the Youth Led Grants will be expected to fund projects which contribute towards the seven Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) goals. (Please note: not all projects will have to deliver against all seven goals).

  1. A Prosperous Wales
  2. A Resilient Wales
  3. A More Equal Wales
  4. A Healthier Wales
  5. A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  6. A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
  7. A Globally Responsible Wales

The funding will only be allocated to projects that will be led by young people aged 14-25 and it will be the responsibility of the young people, with the help of the organisation to fill in the application form. 

If you or the young people involved in your organisation can think of a project that would be of benefit to themselves and the community bearing in mind the 7 goals listed above, then please fill in the attached application form paying attention to the guidance column whilst completing.

All completed application forms are to be emailed to




The closing date for applications is Friday 2nd August 2024.





Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK