


Our colleagues at New Horizons Mental Health are undertaking a questionnaire regarding the need for a mental health & wellbeing Women’s Group in Merthyr Tydfil and RCT.

Could you please complete the questionnaire via the link below.


The Newid project (https://www.newid.cymru/), delivered by WCVA, Cwmpas, and Promo Cymru aims to support the Welsh Third sector and social enterprises better embrace the digital world we live in.

They offer fully funded 1:1 coaching and mentoring to any community group or social enterprise that has an annual turnover of over £20k… from community centres to social landlords.

With a new financial year upon us, they are now in a position to support more clients. 

If your organisation is interested, please contact Paul Stepczak paul.stepczak@cwmpas.coop directly or Samina (samina.ali@cwmpas.coop).

One 21-hour post for Bridgend and one 28-hour post  for RCT and Merthyr.

Click here for more information:-

Local Services Manager in Wales - Alzheimer's Society (alzheimers.org.uk),

Closing date 10th June.

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK