
You can access more free training sessions on different digital topics this March. These sessions are designed to help third sector organisations use digital to save time, and support them in delivering their services.

The training sessions will be delivered by Big Learning Company, who have 15 years of experience developing and delivering digital learning programmes across all sectors in Wales. 

These training sessions will look at a variety of digital tools, that are either available free, at a low cost, or are already available through office packages. Training sessions are available in Welsh and English.

For more information or to book on click HERE

Living Well course (online)

Our 5 week course is for anyone with an arthritis or related musculoskeletal condition and who lives in Wales. It is designed to help support you to manage your condition better.

It’s a combination of learning how to ‘do-it-yourself’ and ‘all the help you want and need from others. We give you the tools to take back some control and start living the life you you want.

Spaces are limited. Please sign up if you can attend all 5 weeks, to get the best from the course.

We will be covering an introduction to self management, how to communicate effectively about your condition with others, understanding pain and other symptoms, the impact of exercise and activity, and managing the change you want to see.

Register at Eventbrite:   Living Well with Arthritis // Byw'n Dda gydag Arthritis Tickets, Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

Llamau and Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales are looking for a highly motivated, creative and resilient person to lead the People and Communities work in Merthyr Tydfil.

The Local Implementation Lead role seeks to bring public, private and voluntary sectors together, promoting collaboration, creativity, and connections to build a preventative pathway in Merthyr that enhances the emotional wellbeing of young people.

Please see job description and person specification for more details on the LIL role: -  

Local Implementation Lead for Merthyr Tydfil

If you are interested in being the new LIL for Merthyr Tydfil please send your CV and a covering letter outlining how you meet the requirements of the role as detailed in the JD and PS – a maximum of 2 sides of A4 - to:  Dani Baverstock DBaverstock@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk by 9am on 3/2/25

Shortlisting will take place on week commencing the 3/2/25

Should you be shortlisted you will need to be available for an in person interview on
the 11/2/25

For more information about the role and the People and Communities work please contact Dale Cranshaw, Communities Lead at Lloyds Bank Foundation at DCranshaw@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk or 07385 024 320


Are you thinking of setting up as a heritage organisation in Wales?

Want to know more about organisational structure and which will be the best for you? Want to know what resources and guidance are available?  

Join Heritage Network and DTA Wales on 5th February for a free information session.  

Find out more about the event & book free tickets on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-heritage-in-wales-setting-up-your-organisation-tickets-1137934786579?aff=oddtdtcreator  

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK