
An online seminar hosted by Alcohol Change UK 

10am to 1pm, Thursday 21 September 2023 

LGBTQ+ people are at more risk of alcohol problems; but when they encounter such problems, they are less likely to receive the support they need.  

At this online learning event, we’ll be hearing from experts with personal and professional experience of drinking in LGBTQ+ communities, working to make more LGBTQ+ sober spaces, and how support services can be made more relevant and accessible.  

 If you’re working to make alcohol support more inclusive, this is the event for you. 

  • Maryann Wright, founder of Sappho Events, about creating safe and sober social spaces for LGBTQ+ women. 
  • Hidayah UK, on their work supporting LGBTQ+ Muslims. 
  • Dean Connolly and Emma Davies on transgender and non-binary people’s experiences of alcohol
  • Monty Moncrieff MBE, from London Friend, on how drug and alcohol services can reach more LGBTQ+ people. 

Download the agenda here. 

Tickets are £35 +VAT. Book your places here. 

INFORMATION SESSION:  5 Ways to Arthritis Wellbeing

Thursday – 17 August 2023

Online via Teams 10.30 am – 11.30 pm

Join us with Sian Davies and Emily Parry, both practising Health Improvement Practitioner within the Community, and discover Five Ways to Wellbeing, what it means and how small changes can improve how we feel.  There will also be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. There will be an opportunity for questions. Everyone is welcome!

Register at Eventbrite:   https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/information-session-five-ways-to-arthritis-wellbeing-tickets-672982196867  

Room opens at 10.20am presentation starts at 10.30am. Please be on time. 

Our online information sessions are for adults with arthritis, MSK or related conditions e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus, gout. Also for health care professionals and carers supporting people living with arthritis. They offer a chance to learn about managing arthritis and related conditions, hear from guest speakers and find out more about the support provided by Versus Arthritis in local areas. 

New Horizons Mental Health - Recovery College, want to consult with residents of Merthyr Tydfil on what courses they would be particularly interested in them providing over the next few months across the Borough.

As such, they would be grateful if you could send the survey link below to partner organisations and service users where this is applicable.

The link below takes you to a short survey.


Please Contact Tracy Thomas - Deputy Director at New Horizons Mental Health.


for further information or if you have any questions.

Merthyr Tydfil Global Village was set up in 2005 to raise awareness of and celebrate the cultural diversity of Merthyr Tydfil. Using art and creative projects the team worked tirelessly to develop an annual festival dedicated to bringing cultures together and educating people about Merthyr Tydfil’s diverse roots.

Bids are invited for arts-based projects that align with the spirit of Merthyr Tydfil Global Village (please see accompanied documentation). Projects should celebrate and raise awareness of the diversity of Merthyr Tydfil. Projects can include workshops, educational activities, dance, music, crafts and food etc to support and promote community cohesion within Merthyr Tydfil, leading up to a celebratory event or be used for a multicultural event in themselves.

Maximum award of up to £3000

Closing date – 12 noon on 24th August 2023

All funding must be spent by 30th August 2024

For an application form and guidance, please contact karen.vowles@vamt.net


Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK