Age Cymru and its key partners have launched their fourth annual survey to understand the views and current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales.
More than 3,800 people have responded to this annual research since the first survey was launched in 2020, and the information gathered has provided us with vital insight into what matters to older people, informed and influenced Welsh Government, and shaped policy and campaigning through the organisations involved.
From health to employment, finances to social care, we want to hear what matters to you.
How to complete our survey:
- Visit www.agecymru.org.uk/annualsurvey to complete the survey online
- Call 029 2043 1555 for a paper copy of the survey, in English or Welsh and return via our freepost address: Age Cymru, FREEPOST RTZG-JHGC-RYJJ, Ground Floor, Mariners House, Age Cymru, Trident Court, East Moors Road, CARDIFF CF24 5TD
The deadline for completed surveys is Friday 28 April 2023
If you’d like to help us campaign on any of the issues raised in this survey, please let us know.
We’re always looking to work directly with people aged 50 or over in Wales to raise issues with the media, politicians, and many other key stakeholders.
Contact Michael Phillips for an informal chat on 07794 366 224, 029 2043 1555 or email michael.phillips@agecymru.org.uk