
The ongoing cost-of-living crisis has exacerbated existing child poverty issues; more children are at risk of being pulled into poverty, or into deeper poverty, as a consequence. Child poverty is a persistent and serious barrier to children's rights - and more needs to be done to tackle both the causes and impacts of child poverty in Wales.

As such, the Children's Legal Centre Wales and the Observatory on Human Rights of Children - in collaboration with the Children's Commissioner for Wales and Children in Wales - will be hosting a one-day summit on child poverty, aimed primarily at non-governmental stakeholders, but also of interest to policy-makers in government at all levels. The summit will draw on relevant expertise to gain insights into what can be done to address the issue of child poverty in Wales through law, policy and practice.

The Summit is free to attend, will be in Swansea, and is organised by the Children's Legal Centre Wales, the Observatory on the Rights of the Child, the Children's Commissioner for Wales, and Children in Wales. 

For full details and to register for this event, please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/child-poverty-summit-uwchgynhadledd-tlodi-plant-tickets-728163906847?aff=oddtdtcreator 

The purpose of the Youth Led Grant Scheme is to fund exciting and worthwhile projects that create more volunteering opportunities for young people aged 14-25 within the Merthyr Tydfil area.

The panel assessing applications will consist of young people who are already part of the Merthyr Tydfil Borough Wide Youth Forum (MTBWYF).  The whole process from marketing the grant scheme to assessing grant applications will be led by the young people sitting on the panel.

Please note that the Youth Led Grants will be expected to fund projects which contribute towards the seven Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) goals. (Please note: not all projects will have to deliver against all seven goals).

  1. A Prosperous Wales
  2. A Resilient Wales
  3. A More Equal Wales
  4. A Healthier Wales
  5. A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  6. A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
  7. A Globally Responsible Wales

The funding will only be allocated to projects that will be led by young people aged 14-25 and it will be the responsibility of the young people, with the help of the organisation to fill in the application form. 

If you or the young people involved in your organisation can think of a project that would be of benefit to themselves and the community bearing in mind the 7 goals listed above, then please contact frances.barry@vamt.net for an application form.

The closing date for applications is Friday 20th October.

We want your views on our heat strategy for Wales. Our aim is to develop a decarbonised heat system that delivers on our net zero ambitions.

Consultation description

We are consulting on 6 objectives:

  • Our enabling framework - supporting a just transition.
  • Our energy networks - shaping the future of heat supply.
  • Our homes – affordable warmth for all.
  • Our business – supporting our local economy to flourish.
  • Our industry – fostering innovation and investment.
  • Our public services – leading by example.

Submit your comments by 8 November 2023, in any of the following ways:

Post, email or online form

For more information and a copy of the consultation document click the link below

Heat strategy for Wales | GOV.WALES

On Wednesday 18 October, 10.30 - 12.00, WCVA will be hosting a hybrid session with the Charity Commission.  

The Commission’s Director of Policy and Communications will give an update on some of their current key areas of focus, such as upcoming campaigns, events and recently published guidance.

The Commission is also keen to hear from you and what it’s like for charities on the ground at the moment here in Wales.  

The session will be hybrid, with in-person attendees welcome to join from WCVA’s Cardiff office. It’s open to all registered charities but places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

To secure your space in this conversation please email policy@wcva.cymru indicating if you would like to join in person or online.



Third Sector Support
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