
This course is designed to provide participants with a practical understanding of Digital Marketing concepts and their integration with online tools such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn to optimise their online space, grow subscribers, likes and view promoting content through social media.

You will learn how to develop a practical digital marketing strategy to align with your business goals, conducting market research, identifying target audiences, and defining marketing objectives, and creating an integrated digital marketing plan including email marketing ideas. Platforms include:

  •      YouTube: Demonstrate Your Value, Grow your audience.
  •      Facebook: Create and Engage with your audience.
  •      Instagram: Brand attraction
  •      LinkedIn: Networking and Partnerships
  •      TikTok: Your Digital Disruptor – Micro-Influencers

15 January to 11 March



Redhouse, Merthyr Tydfil

Click here to book. 

INFORMATION SESSION: Fatigue & Arthritis

Thursday – 14th December 2023Online via Teams 11.30 am – 12.30 pm.

Join us for a talk on fatigue and ways to help manage it.

There will be an opportunity for questions.

Everyone is welcome!

Register at Eventbrite: Versus Arthritis - Managing Fatigue and Arthritis Information Session Tickets, Thu 14 Dec 2023 at 11:20 | Eventbrite

Room opens at 11.20am presentation starts at 11.30am. Please be on time.

Our online information sessions are for adults with arthritis, MSK or related conditions e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus, gout. Also, for health care professionals and carers supporting people living with arthritis. They offer a chance to learn about managing arthritis and related conditions, hear from guest speakers and find out more about the support provided by Versus Arthritis in local areas.

The new and improved Volunteering Wales website is a simple, effective and completely free way for organisations to recruit and manage volunteers.

It’s free to use, and over a thousand organisations have already taken advantage to start advertising their volunteering opportunities to the Welsh public.

Wales has a rich history of volunteering, in all the different forms it takes, and now it couldn’t be easier for people to help out in their local communities. Organisations are advertising all sorts of volunteer opportunities all across the country, from working in charity shops, to befriending services, helping organise charity runs and events and more.

Whether you’re an organisation looking for new volunteers, or someone who wants to give back to their community, Volunteering Wales can help you find what you need.

Volunteers are the backbone of the voluntary sector, and at a time when many are pushed for time and money, Volunteering Wales aims to make the process as simple and straightforward as possible so you can find and manage your volunteers with the minimum amount of fuss.

Managed by TSSW (Third Sector Support Wales), Volunteering Wales links volunteers with the voluntary organisations that need them, and it couldn’t be simpler to take advantage of it.

Please take time to register your organisation, if you have any questions then please contact frances.barry@vamt.net


There are a  few places left on our fully funded safeguarding workshop.

The session provides you with the tools to safeguard and build the resilience of young people against gaming and gambling related harms. On completion, you will receive a City & Guilds certificate alongside access to our bank of over 1000 award-winning resources. 
The workshop will take place online, on Wednesday 6th December, from 15:45 – 17:45 and you can sign up here. On completion, you will receive a City and Guilds certificate and access to our award-winning bank of youth work and education-based resources. Please feel free to pass on to any colleagues who may also be interested. 

If you are unable to make the date, we have some dates in January 2024 just in time for Safer Internet Day on 6th February. To sign up to these online sessions please access the following links:

Thursday 18th January 2024 10am – 12noon 

Tuesday 24th January 2024 3.45pm – 5.45pm 

Alternatively, if the dates above don’t work for you, or to look at the possibility of running a fully funded bespoke session for your organisation, please contact SamRobinson@Ygam.org directly. 

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK