
Monday is the start of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek 15th - 21st May.

Raising awareness of the impacts of mental health is important, supporting people to look after and manage their mental health is essential, and the communities across Merthyr are offering many different activities and support (and it's not just for this week!)

Take a look at our Facebook page to see some of the different opportunities across the Merthyr Borough. We will be sharing things all across the week.

If you would like to find out more about a group or activity you can usually find a contact telephone number or email, or you can contact, Faye - Mental Health Development Officer 07553 147616 or Lesley - Community Coordinator 07580 866547

The Old Gurnos Tenants and Residents Association held a Special General Meeting on 31st March 2023 at which a decision was approved for the group to dissolve and to allocate their remaining funds to community groups which provide activities within the Old Gurnos area, via a grant application process ahead of the dissolution of the Association. 

The Old Gurnos Tenants and Residents Association have a total of £9,925 which they are keen to see redistributed to community groups to deliver community based projects and initiatives within in the Old Gurnos area. All constituted community groups working in Old Gurnos are welcome to apply for a share of the funding. There is no specified maximum amount that groups can apply for from this pot but the group will decide on the allocation of funds based on the applications received.

This is a one-off funding opportunity.

Merthyr Valleys Homes has been asked to facilitate the administration of the application process before members of the Old Gurnos Tenants and Residents Association meet to allocate the pot of money based on the applications received.

The deadline for applications to be returned to Merthyr Valleys Homes is 12pm on Friday 26th May 2023 with the panel expected to meet week commencing 5th June. Applications received after this date may not be considered. Please ensure you attached all relevant supporting documents (listed on the last page of the application form). Applications without supporting documents may not be considered.


We are now days away from the Meet the Funder event with Henry Smith Charity on Monday 15th May at 10:30am. Henry Smith is one of the largest funders in the UK and this event will be the only “Meet the Funder” that they will undertake in Wales this year, as they take the next year out to embark on developing their new strategy which is due to be launched in Autumn 2024.

Tom Bell – a Grants Manager for Henry Smith Charity (HSC) will be showcasing the work of Henry Smith Charity and the two main grants programmes: Improving Lives and Strengthening Communities. Last year alone The HSC supported voluntary organisations within the UK with £40m of funds.

No question is too big or too small and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask your questions either verbally or through the chatbox.

Book here:

Summit Rock UK are looking for 2 volunteers to help with the fully inclusive climbing club at Merthyr Tydfil. The Volunteers will gain training and experience. 

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK