
What Matters to You survey provides invaluable insights into the challenges, needs, and aspirations of older people 

 Age Cymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales have launched their fifth annual What Matters to You survey of the over 50s across Wales, to gain a better understanding of their challenges, needs, and aspirations.    

 More than five thousand people responded to previous surveys which provided the charity with crucial evidence to inform and influence key decision makers and service providers in Wales including the Welsh Government, local health and social services, and the wider care sector.   

 The charity says the bilingual survey also helps to prioritise its work so it can better reflect what matters most to older people in Wales.  It covers a wide range of issues including access to health and social care, personal finances, housing issues, caring responsibilities, opportunities for paid work, and the quality and availability of local transport, including hospital transport. 

 Age Cymru’s head of policy, Heather Ferguson says “We know that many older people are facing some tough challenges right now such as difficulties in accessing health and social care, coping with the cost-of-living crisis, and facing cutbacks in areas such as public transport and face-to-face banking. So, we need to know what older people’s priorities are and what their ideas are for addressing some of these challenges.   

 “The more information we gather the more influential and effective we become when campaigning with and for older people in Wales.

 “If anyone would like to campaign with the charity on any of the issues raised in the survey, please let us know.  We are always looking to work together to raise issues with the media, politicians, and many other key stakeholders.  Please contact my colleague Michael Phillips for an informal chat on 07794 366 224 or email”  

 How to complete our survey  

Visit to complete the survey online.  

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK