Time to Talk Public Health is a national conversation established by Public Health Wales that regularly engages with the public on a variety of current public health topics, playing a crucial role in informing policy and practice in Wales. Our insights have already influenced positive actions in areas such as food environments, cost of living, climate change, and mental well-being, among others. We are continuously recruiting individuals aged 16+ and living in Wales to be part of the panel, and it would be great if members of the Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil community were represented within our national conversation.
Cost of Living. Emergency Departments. Dental Health.
Some of the many current health issues that are being covered in this month’s national conversation – It’s Time to Talk Public Health.
Make the voice of your community heard by joining the conversation today!
Public Health Wales wants to hear from YOU.
Your Wales, Your Health, Your Voice.
Sign up now!
Please feel free to share this information with anyone in Wales aged 16+ years!