
Over the last year Disability Wales has been gathering and collating the experiences and needs of disabled-led organisations across Wales. The purpose of this has been to evidence the issues that have been raised by our membership in keeping these organisations running and growing.

While we have heard from a number of organisations, we want to ensure that we cover the full breadth of the Wales and as such want to hear from more of the disabled-led organisations across the country that may not know about DW.

As such, we are emailing you to ask if you could share this with any disabled-led organisations that are in your area.

The survey link is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KRKV5BK

Please contact Leandra.craine@disabilitywales.org if any organisation requires assistance in filling out the survey.

The Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership has signed the Paris Declaration and joined the Fast Track Cymru Initiative.

As a partnership , this confirms our commitment to work collaboratively to end new transmissions of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Over the past five years huge progress has been made in improving access to testing and treatment, and Wales can be proud of the significant reduction seen in new diagnoses of HIV. Between 2015 and 2021 new diagnosis of HIV decreased by 75%. However, HIV continues to be an important public health issue.

Fast Track Cymru is a network of cities and regions across Wales working together as part of a new effort to end new transmissions of HIV in Wales by 2030.

Funded by Welsh Government, the Fast Track Cymru network is hosted by Pride Cymru and operates under a national Advisory Council. Fast Track Cymru involves key stakeholders from across Wales, working together in line with the Welsh Government HIV Action Plan for Wales 2023-2026.

The story is now available to view on the Regional Partnership website:

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership joins Fast Track Cymru Initiative - CTM


Meet the Funder - National Churches Trust

             Tuesday 18th March 10am-11:30am -Online VIA Teams

Church Support & Grants

Churches, Chapels, Meeting Houses and associated Halls.

An introduction to your South Wales based National Churches Trust Officer Gareth Simpson and the range of support available.

We’ll explore at entry level the following areas with plenty of time for questions with the option for follow up one to one calls and site visits.

  • Vision before funding – being clear on the future for your church
  • Project Management – light touch review of project planning and the need to consult with the wider community, user groups and congregation.
  • NCT Grants - Where do you start? Which grant should you apply for? What information do you need to provide? Options up to £50,000

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and find out more information.

For more information and book your place by 10th March contact - Emily.whiteman-cranston@vamt.net




Co-pro Lab are currently undertaking engagement about Youth Work in Wales with young people aged 11-25 across Wales on behalf of Welsh Government. 

At the end of 2024 we ran a series of focus groups and you may well have been involved in these.  We would love to engage with some more young people and have created a short survey to gather ideas and feedback.  

You can find the survey here:-https://form.typeform.com/to/lZ4LXGJK

We have some limited capacity to fit in some additional focus groups before the end of February if this is of interest.

If you have any questions or would like some further information please let me know becky@copronet.wales

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