
Community Music Wales, RCT & Merthyr Tydfil Music Service Presents... YSGOL ROC/ROCK SCHOOL

Do you sing, play electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, or drums? join us for our weekly rock school and learn with our team of professional musicians. This event is free of charge!

Saturday 4th March, 11th + 18th March 2023
10:00am – 4:00pm

Redhouse, Merthyr Tydfil

Book your place at admin@communitymusicwales.org.uk

Cwm Taf Care & Repair is a charitable organisation that actively works to ensure all older people have homes that are safe, secure and appropriate to their needs. 

Our role is to provide a free support and advice service for older and disabled people to allow them to remain in their own homes with greater independence, warmth, security and safety. 

Our service is client led that is based on a visit to the older person's home. This visit will result in a personalised package of home improvement. The objective is to support the older person's choice to remain living in their own home and in their own community for as long as they are able and choose to do so. 

Care & Repair wants to hear the views of residents of Rhondda Cynon Taf & Merthyr Tydfil and what is important to them to enable them to live at home safely and independently. 

Your response to this survey will assist the Agency in developing their services and ensure you are listened to.    

Your responses will also help us better understand what more can be done across Rhondda Cynon Taf & Merthyr Tydfil to ensure it is a place where people of all ages can live happily and healthily, especially as we grow older.

To access the questionnaire, please click on link below.



Localgiving is a UK-wide not-for-profit and an online donation platform that has helped over 7,000 charitable organisations to raise over £40million online.

For the last three years, they have supported over 450 organisations across all 22 counties in Wales to raise over £2.1million through a dedicated Wales programme.

Are you interested in building sustainable income streams, developing your supporter base and raising unrestricted funding? Online fundraising is easy and very cost effective.

Through their programme, Crowdfund Wales, Localgiving provides a free year of membership, Gift Aid and training in how to fundraise online.

They will support each member to run an online campaign to raise £1,750 towards a need of your choice, which will then unlock £250 of match funding.

There are also a number of grant opportunities to apply for throughout the year. Join the online workshop to find out more!

Book your space at the online event with Karen  karen.vowles@vamt.net

Social Media for Community Engagement is taking place on 22nd March 10am -12pm at the Voluntary Action Centre. 

You will need to book on the session using the link below.



Digital Story Telling is taking place on the 15th March 10am - 12pm at the Voluntary Action Centre. 

You will need to book on the session using the link below.



Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK