
This is your chance to share your experiences and help improve psychological and emotional support for cancer patients, families, and carers in Wales.

The survey is open until Christmas and aims to:
- Understand the emotional impact of cancer
- Explore the availability of support services
- Identify gaps in care and improve future services

Complete the survey and make your voice heard:

English: https://forms.office.com/e/nZYnxsCgxr

We are delighted to let you know that Big Welsh Rhyme Time, will be taking place from 10th – 14th February 2025.

FREE certificates and stickers can be claimed during registration.

Don’t miss out! Deadline: 10th January 2025

To register for Big Welsh Rhyme Time 2025 please visit: 


BBC Children in Need is looking to recruit new committee members for their Wales Advisory Committee.

Further information is available here.  

For more information on the role please contact James Bird via James.Bird@bbc.co.uk 

To apply to the committee please send your completed application form to george.connolly.ext@bbc.co.uk by 5.00pm on 13/01/2025


As we get closer to Christmas, the number of scams targeting vulnerable people are increasing.

Scams are on the rise, which is why @tvlicensing is sharing its top tips for dealing with a suspected scam — including this one🚨

If you’re not sure a communication is genuine, don't open it or click any links — just forward it to report@phishing.gov.uk, and they'll investigate 🔍

For more information on spotting and reporting scams, watch TV Licensing’s helpful video ➡️ youtu.be/K-H9UREBvG8?si=UTDMlqlY5DDDLuZs

Do you want to get outside and make a difference in your local area?

Groundwork Wales are running a ‘Healthy Rivers’ project and would love for you to be involved. 

You can choose from a range of activities to improve nature in and around your local watercourses. 

The team are looking for people and groups to connect with - to learn more, contact Rebecca at rebecca.jones@groundwork.org.uk, or on 07503638126.

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK