
The Park Easter egg hunt will be on 1st April by the Den.  We will combine it with a walk to check for signs of spring and various craft activities.  We will also have some nice snacks available.



Volunteering Wales is a website that connects people that want to volunteer with charities and other organisations in the voluntary sector. It also supports organisations from all kinds of sectors that are looking for volunteers, including public/statutory bodies like local authorities, health boards, police forces and all kinds of voluntary organisations.

It has recently been updated to make it easier for both organisations and volunteers to use.

Volunteering Wales is free to use and an extremely accessible way to grow a volunteer base or connect people with the voluntary sector, and with the improvements made to the site it’s easier than ever to use.

Please click on the following link to register your organisation:


Remember to add your ‘live’ opportunities too, if you are already registered you will need to check that you have done this, if you haven’t then please add them when you have 5 minutes.

Any questions then please email:


This week sees the launch of spiking intensification week. Police operational activity will focus on preventing spiking in the night time economy (NTE) and improving police investigations to gather intelligence and gain greater insight into spiking cases.

South Wales Police will be posting information on our social media channels, website etc about the new spiking reporting tool, some myth busting and spotting the signs.

The Disclosure and Barring Service is hosting its Spring Conference: DBS Spring Conference 2024 | LinkedIn on Tuesday 30 April – a free virtual event open to everyone with an interest in safeguarding. 

DBS supports employers to make safer recruitment decisions by processing and issuing criminal record checks and by maintaining the Adults’ and Children’s Barred Lists.

At our Spring Conference 2024, we will be sharing a range of webinars tailored to support individuals and organisations across a variety of sectors. Each webinar will be hosted by specialists in the areas they will discuss. Following each webinar there will be an opportunity (for everyone) to participate in a live Q & A session with DBS experts.

You will be able to join all six webinars throughout the day, or choose any specific ones you are most interested in.

Please note, if you are unable to join us on the day the sessions will be available after the conference via this page on LinkedIn and on a separate landing page for the benefit of non-LinkedIn users.

If you have any queries, please email the team at DBSEngagement@dbs.gov.uk

Cats Protection Lifeline is a specialist cat fostering service for people fleeing domestic abuse, and this vital service is now about to launch in Wales. Lifeline is looking for volunteers to open their homes and hearts to cats in need. Through becoming a foster carer for Lifeline, volunteers know that they are not only supporting a pet, but a whole family too. 

All expenses are covered so there’s no cost to you, and you’d be fully supported every step of the way: https://www.cats.org.uk/what-we-do/cp-lifeline/lifeline-form

We are also hosting two online drop-in sessions for people to hear more about our vital services and how to get involved with fostering, we are running these in conjunction with Dogs Trust Freedom who offer the same specialist fostering service for dogs: 

Thursday 4th April - 13.00-13.40 -  Volunteer Foster Carer Drop In Session Tickets, Thu 4 Apr 2024 at 13:00 | Eventbrite  

Monday 8th April - 18.30-19.10 -  Volunteer Foster Carer Drop In Session Tickets, Mon 8 Apr 2024 at 18:30 | Eventbrite 

We would be grateful for your support in sharing these within your community and any colleagues, clients, friends/family and social media pages. 

For further information on Lifeline, please don't hesitate to contact us at lifeline@cats.org.uk or 0300 012 0289.  

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK