
We have a calendar of free online training and well-being/information sessions coming up for carers in December and the New Year.  

Attached is information and posters to circulate to carers amongst your networks and through your communication channels.  All posters are bilingual.

 You can also find information and how to book on the sessions on our website: MeTime sessions | Carers Wales (

Sign up for Opportunity Knocks!

Opportunity Knocks is a bi-monthly digital bulletin sent to tenants who want to receive information about events, projects and groups within Merthyr Valleys Homes as well as local events and in their areas run by our partners. We’ll tell you all the great ways you can get involved with us to improve our services, influence the way we do things and learn about what’s going on across our mutual and our communities.

Sign up now!

Just send your name, email address, phone number and which part of Merthyr you are from to or WhatsApp us at 07718248645.

Please find the current job opportunity details below, together with a link to our website where further information and application packs can be found.

Project Administrator

Salary scale at £21,394 to £25,454 (pro rata for part time)

Fixed term contract until March 2025

Full time 35 hours per week or Part time Job-share

Location: Ebbw Vale

Closing date: Monday 4th December

Our colleagues at C3SC are hosting the following FREE online “Meet the Funder” events and are extending the invitation to VAMT members.

  • Wednesday 6th December 1:00-2:00pm Meet the Funder Event/ Sport Wales explore current funding opportunities:

  • Thursday 7th December 2:00-3:00pm Meet the Funder Event/ Lloyds Bank Foundation explore the Specialist Programme funding scheme:


Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK