Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant now open

The first round of the Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant 2025-28 is now open for applications with a closing date of 2 May 2025.

This fund will enable a small number (approx. five) strategic investments to build on and learn from the new or enhanced approaches/initiatives for volunteering across Wales. It will enable the progress that has been made so far to be further explored and ‘hard wired’ into ongoing work.

Grant requests are welcome for projects up to 18 months with a value of between £50,000-£100,000. For more information please visit the WCVA website.

Ahead of submitting an application, you must speak to a named WCVA member of staff or a named member of the Third Sector Support Team at Welsh Government; the contact details are available in the scheme guidance. This will ensure that the activity is in keeping with the grant aims.

To apply please visit https://map.wcva.cymru.

Third Sector Support
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