Natural Resources Wales

In summary:

What: The sustainable drainage feasibility grant will fund feasibility studies with the potential to develop small-scale schemes via a future competitive grant stage.

Where: Wales-wide

Who: Public, Private, and Third sectors

How much: £25,000-£40,000 & up to 100% of costs.

When: The application deadline is 23:59 on 25 September 2023


There are few types of schemes:

    • Woodland Trust  – if you are: planting a single tree or a few trees; part of a community group; a school or; a farmer.



    •  Woodland Creation Planning scheme by WG – Grants between £1,000 - £,5000.  You can use the funding to get a registered woodland planner, they will help you to develop a woodland creation plan. If your land is: not in a low sensitivity area; is over two hectares (4.94 acres) and; is at least 0.25 hectares (0.62 acres) in size.
    • The Woodland Creation Grant scheme provides funding for tree planting and fencing. Farmers and landowners can apply for this scheme. If you are planting more than 0.25ha (0.62 acres) you can apply for this scheme. There is no maximum size limit. You will need to apply for the Woodland Creation Planning scheme and have a plan in place before you can apply for this scheme.



    • If you’re planning to plant trees in your community then The Tree Council grants can help. The grants are for schools, community groups and Tree Warden Networks. You can use these grants to plant trees, hedges, and orchards.
Third Sector Support
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