Did you know that Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Iceland and Ocado will all donate money to your voluntary organisation ?

Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Iceland, and Ocado – will all donate money to your voluntary organization, charity, social enterprise or CIC when your community of supporters shop with them?

Whenever an online shopper buys groceries, the supermarket will send your organisation either a flat monetary amount (up to £5) or a percentage of what the online shopper spends. On average, just one person could raise £97.50 in a year for your organisation by doing their food shop; think what multiple people could do!  All types of third sector organisations can receive this funding - your organisation just needs to be registered with funding website easyfundraising.

Register here (it’s very straightforward and there is no cost): https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/cymru

Third Sector Support
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