Welsh Government Mental Health Strategy Consultation

Welsh Government would like to invite you to help shape their future strategies for mental health and well-being, and suicide and self-harm prevention in Wales. It has been 10 years since their Mental Health Strategy and Suicide & Self Harm Prevention Strategy was published and they have committed to consult on new strategies towards the end of this year. 

They have already undertaken significant engagement work and reviews to understand those areas that are important to people. They have also commissioned and published an independent evaluation. They want to build on this work with further, pre-consultation engagement.

Welsh Government would like to ask you to take some time to watch the short video they have produced which explains the visions and principles that they have drawn from what they have been told so far and to complete a questionnaire.

The questionnaire and video are available at https://www.gov.wales/mental-health-strategy. Large print, Braille and alternative language versions of this document are available on request.

The questionnaire will remain open until 14 July 2023.

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