New Service - Fully Funded Energy Support until 31st March

HEAT provides 1-1 mentoring support and advocacy to vulnerable households in England and Wales.  Our team of Energy Mentors provide a holistic, independent, tailored advice to fuel-poor households experiencing energy crises.  

 We provide ongoing support throughout the process, helping customers understand their options and make informed decisions. This includes:  

  •           Tackling energy emergencies 
  •            Managing fuel debt and related issues, 
  •            Advocate on your customer’s behalf. 
  •            Accessing energy grants and crisis funds. (our mentors also have access to fuel and food bank vouchers) 
  •            Optimising energy usage and efficiencies 

 The support that we provide will help your customers long term and is fully funded.

For more information please contact the Partnership Team at




Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK