Digital Communities Wales Training - Learning Welsh with digital tools

Our colleagues at Digital Communities Wales are delivering the session below on 5th October at 12 noon.

Please register prior to attending the training using the link below  

Virtual Zoom

Digital Communities Wales Training - Learning Welsh with digital tools

This session is delivered in English only. It is designed to provide entry level resources for Welsh language learners. In this session we will:

  • Discuss the history of the Welsh language and how it has overcome cultural changes.
  • Show you a variety of resources that are available to help you develop your Welsh language skills, whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced learner.
  • Demonstrate ways of immersing yourself in Welsh when using the internet.

So that we can understand your abilities and needs, It would be great if you could complete this form. This is so that we can continue to develop our training courses and provide a high-quality service. Responses from this form will also be used to improve our understanding of the distance travelled for the people we support.

Please note that by registering for this webinar, your personal data will be collected and stored on our database.

To read our privacy notice for event attendees, please visit:

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK