Transparancy and Accountability

Transparency and Accountability

VAMT’s Board have a commitment to the principle of acting visibly, predictably and understandably to promote participation and accountability. One of its key values is that of openness, honesty and integrity.

In order to achieve this VAMT undertakes the following actions:

Board minutes are published on the VAMT Website

◦VAMT's Annual Report and Annual Accounts summary are also published on the VAMT website and are freely available to all, not just members.

VAMT's Tendering Policy and Financial Procedures  are available for public view on the VAMT website, as are its internal Anti-Fraud Policy

Anti-Fraud and Anti-Bribery Policies   and its Code of Conduct for Trustees and Staff

◦Tender opportunities will be circulated widely as well as being published on the VAMT website, together with being publicised on social media.

◦VAMT's Comments and Complaints Policy is freely available to all on request and is available for public view on the website.

◦VAMT's comprehensive Employee Handbook includes a section on whistle-blowing.

◦VAMT has a clear Recruitment Policy,  Equalities and Diversity Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy plus an Interest Register for Trustees and staff, and has an approved Welsh Language Scheme.

As a Registered Charity VAMT's Financial and Compliance history, together with details of its annual accounts, trustees, and a summary overview are available at The Charity Commission


Strategic Plan

Other Policies