

We are looking at how we reward and recognise people who get involved in Mental Health Services in Cwm Taf Morgannwg. For example, sharing ideas, experiences and opinions, it could also include working with others to design, deliver and evaluate services, mental health policies and procedures.

We want to hear from people with experience of mental ill health and the friends and families (carers) who support them. The information we collect in the survey will be used to find the best way to reward and recognise the involvement of people with lived experience of mental illness in improving services in the future.

Please click on link to take part in this survey.


If you have any questions please contact Sharon Jones, Mental Health Service User Involvement Officer on 07553 102266 or email sharon.jones@vamt.net




Are you concerned about your energy usage, worried about your energy bills, or just in need of a bit of advice?

Citizens Advice Merthyr Tydfil are holding a drop in at Trelewis Community Centre on Tuesday 7th March. Come have a cuppa and chat with one of their advisors who will be on hand to help.




Come along to the Cost of living advice day at Calon Las Community Hub 20th March 2-4pm.

Many organisations will be attending to offer advice and support.

Stephens and George Charitable trust are looking for volunteers for the Merthyr Tydfil Children's Literature Festival on April 20th 2023.

If you or your organisation can help with the Largest Children's Literature Festival celebrating World Book Day please get in touch via charity1@stephensandgeorge.co.uk or call us 01685 375331 for more information.



The grant helps ensure that the refreshed Child Poverty Strategy is developed with people from households and communities where children are living in poverty.

The community engagement grant is available to third sector, community groups or organisations which specialise in supporting, engaging or working with people with protected characteristics. This is to engage with children and young people and/or parents/carers, families and communities and gain their views for the new Child Poverty Strategy.

Funding of up to a maximum of £4,995 is available for each grant applicant.  While a minimum of 2 engagement events is required, we would expect applications offering only 2 events not to require lower costs.   £4,995 is the maximum funding available and anticipate applications for the minimum number of events should have lower related costs.  

For more information on this grant opportunity click this link Child poverty strategy community engagement grant

Apply by completing the https://www.gov.wales/child-poverty-strategy-community-engagement-grant-application-form and email your completed application to tacklingpovertyandsupportingfamilies@gov.wales

Who can apply:

  • Third sector, community groups or organisations which specialise in supporting, engaging or working with people with protected characteristics.
  • We welcome applications that propose partnership and collaborative working. There should be one lead applicant who will act as the grant holder and data controller.
  • We will not accept applications from any organisation with a party-political affiliation.

The grant application window closes 27 February 2023

Successful applicants will need to provide a consultation response template by Monday 10 April 2023.

Third Sector Support
Trusted Charity Mark Level 1 Bilingual CMYK